Do I need to be logged into the file as the admin or does it matter which PC I log into?
The web connector process is a QuickBooks application that runs as a Windows process. So, it can run even if QuickBooks is not running or even if a QuickBooks file is not open as long as you have enabled the auto-run option and that you hide or minimize the process and do not exit via the "X" or the Exit buttons.
In addition, as this is also Windows dependent, you should not log out of Windows or change the Windows user that you used to set up the Web Connector. Just as with all Windows processes - if the computer is not on or Windows is not open, the Web Connector will not run. If you have a systems administrator familiar with Windows, they should be able to help you set up the Web Connector to be part of your Windows Startup process so that it launches whenever Windows launches.
For security purposes, the process is associated with a specific file ID provided by Shogo with your downloaded configuration file and, additionally, the process is associated with a specific file-path and file-name. So, you must designate a specific PC (and Windows user) to manage the Web Connector process; having the actual company file on a shared drive should not matter as long as the actual file-path and file-name do not change.
Once you decide on the host PC for this process, download an install the web connector file at:
>Settings>Accounting>Web Connector Setup
With your QuickBooks open, please press the F2 function key on your keyboard and send Shogo support a screen shot of the window that pops up so that the registered file information can be updated in your Shogo account.
For more information on setting up your Web Connector please follow link below:
We typically recommend setting the Auto Run to every 60 minutes, that will cover the variance in posting times in the morning. For example, if your 720 minutes were timed for 6:30 AM and you didn't actually post until 6:42 AM - you would have to wait that 720 minutes for your next auto run.