Accounting may fail to post to your system if you have daily sales where the total sales+adjustments do not equal the payments received. Instead of POSTED, Shogo will show the day’s posting status as OOB. Since an unbalanced accounting entry won't be accepted by the accounting system, Shogo provides two tools for plugging the difference.
Option 1: One time plug to an existing GL Account or Item
Option 2: Customers may wish to set a plugging tolerance for each store that is mappable to a unique account. Shogo will plug any balancing issues up to a maximum of the Plug Amount. To set your Plug Amount:
To set up an automatic plugging tolerance, Log into your Shogo account at:
Click on Settings>Stores
If you have multiple stores, click the View Details button for the Store you wish to set a discrepancy tolerance
Click on the blue Edit button
Set your Discrepancy Plug Max Value
Click the blue Save button to save the changes for this location.
This will plug any differences to an account of your choosing, up to a certain maximum value. We recommend setting a plug value up to 1% of gross sales. You may also choose to temporarily increase the plug value for a specific date, and then change it back.
If you have set your plug amount and need Shogo to apply it to a historical date, please complete this form, noting that you recently set your Plug Amount.
After setting the Plug Amount and loading sales that require the Plug, Shogo will create a new Accounting Mapping row in your accounting settings under "Payments" called "POS Data Discrepancy Plug"
To map the discrepancy:
Click on Settings>Accounting
Click on the Payments Section
Click the Edit button to map POS Data Discrepancy to an account or item of your choosing.
Once this is done, please let us know if you would like us to regenerate any of the missing/failed dates using the plug rule.