I am receiving a web connector error message when trying to set up.
Authentication failed
QBWC1012: Authentication failed due to following error message.
Index was outside the bounds of the array. See QWCLog for more details. Remember to turn logging on.
To fix this:
In the web connector window itself, please make sure you are using the password provided at the top of:
>Settings>Accounting>Web Connector Setup>the password is highlighted at the top and is different from your QuickBooks and your Shogo passwords
If you still receive an error after the above, with QuickBooks open, please press your F2 function key and send us a screen shot of the window that appears (using the ticket submission form above).
If F2 is not working for you, please open your QuickBooks to the correct company file and then go to:
>File>Open Previous Company
Send the Shogo Support desk the full file-path and filename displayed
It is important that Shogo matches precisely with the information already registered in your Shogo account.