The cash drawer section of mapping represents the functions of Cash Register Drawer.
Payout is a manual entry to the cash drawer on your Point of Sale. Payouts are recorded when someone takes cash out of the drawer for a purpose other than to give change to a customer who has paid in cash during business hours.
Typically Payouts are mapped to an expense type or cost of goods type account
PaidIn is a manual entry to the cash drawer on your Point of Sale. PaidIn is recorded when money is returned or added to the register not related to a sale during business hours.
Typically "Paidin" is mapped to Cash in Drawer or Cash account.
Cash Over/Short represents the variance in the drawer from what is expected and the actual amount. This is typically mapped to an expense type account.
Cash Deposit is the money collected from sales and is the cash available to deposit to the bank. Usually mapped to undeposited funds or the bank account that cash sales are deposited to. You should map based on your cash handling (deposited or held in house).
Cash in Drawer The Cash in Drawer mapping in your Shogo accounting configuration would only be used in the scenario where:
- Cash Sales - Paidouts + PaidIns +\- Cash Over/(Short)<0
- In other words - a negative deposit. The mapping here would represent the "funding source" of the cash shortfall.
Usually mapped to the funding source for the negative deposit such as petty cash or cash on hand, which represents the source that funds the register “float”.
**Shogo is a software company and is able to give general advice on how Shogo works, but is unable to give accounting advice. Each business will map their items differently based on their own accounting and banking practices. If you are unsure of where to map items, please ask your accountant.**