Shogo can post Sales and Accounting history to your account from your current POS partner. To request historical sales and accounting, fill out this form: Click Here to Request Historical Data
Please note that there are additional charges for loading history, calculated as follows: For new customers, your Shogo billing start date will be set to the history start date + 14 days since you'll still receive your 14 free trial days. Example - If today is April 1 and if you have one location and want to load history from Jan 1 to Apr 1, your Shogo billing start date will be updated from 4/14 back to 1/14. For existing customers, history requests the predate or overlap with previous Shogo billing will result in a proportional adjustment to any previous billing.
Before you submit your history request form:
- Verify that your accounting mapping is your final configuration. If your are a new customer, please review one week of current data in your accounting system to ensure that your accounting is getting posted correctly. If Shogo posts history incorrectly, there will be some delay in getting the data reposted/corrected in your accounting system due to the required manual reload/regeneration corrections.
- Be sure to update your payment information in Shogo. Shogo is unable to post historical data without updated payment information. To update your payment information, log into your Shogo account at
Click Settings>Billing
Click the blue Update Card button
Enter Card Information and click the Update Card button
Shogo requires that all customers complete the following form for Sales and Accounting History Requests:
Click Here to Request Historical Data
Shogo will notify you when the historical data has been posted.
If you have any additional questions, please check our Online Knowledge Base at, or let us know.